More Seaons Greetings from the Community
12/23/2014 03:21PM ● By Ryan Frisch
Happy Holidays!
Hannah Carpenter says “HAPPY HOLIDAYS ALEKSEY”
Nilda Kerr says “Happy Holidays to the Best of staff! Thanks for providing such a quality publication for our region.”
Jennifer Goslovich says “Happy Holidays to the Edo salon in Shelburne. From PierVana Hair-Spa-Jewels in South Burlington.”
Renee Dall says “All my Cocktails Curing Cancer friends - thank you for another awesome year!”
Lauren Driscoll says “Happy Holidays to the Breast Care Center at the University of Vermont Medical Center!!”
Heidi Hall says “Happy holidays Carrie Hathaway!”
Rachel Desautels says “Happy Holidays, Poppy! We love you!”
Deanna Merola says “Merry Christmas to my amazing sister-in-law, Amy Appugliese. She is the type of mother and wife that we should all strive to be.”
Mike Peirce says “Happy Holidays to George, Jen & Carter”
Brenna Gonyo says “Happy holidays Emma and Lillian :)”
Jennifer Goslovich says “My lovely Ladies and wonderful clientele at PierVana Hair-Spa-Jewels. Thank you for everything. Big cheers to 2015.”
Catherine Metropoulos says “MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone!”
Justine Kinerson says “Happy holiday to my family and friends.”
Katie Charland says “Kimberly garrett”
Jennifer Goslovich says “Ashley Gagne and Linda Goodhue Fleury. Merry Christmas! So proud to work with these ladies at PierVana Hair-Spa-Jewels.”
Deb Mayfield says “Merry Christmas to All”
Tylor Mayfield says “n/a”
Sabrina Derose says “Amanda Goodman, distance holds nothing between us. Wishing you the happiest of holidays!!!”
Jennifer Jennifer Goslovich says “To all PierVana clients. Thank you so very much for supporting us and our families through out the year. All the best to you and yours. The PierVana Ladies.”
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