The 2014 Vermont Public Places Awards Winning Entries Announced
06/30/2015 05:34PM ● By Ryan Frisch
This year, Vermont Public Places Honor Awards have been presented to:
- City Hall Park, Burlington – City of Burlington, Burlington City Arts, Wagner Hodgson Landscape Architecture, Lincoln Brown.
- Middlebury Riverfront Park, Middlebury – Town of Middlebury, LandWorks, Civil Engineering Associates, Marble Works Partnership.
- Open Space Report, South Burlington – City of South Burlington, South Burlington Open Space Committee, T. J. Boyle Associates, Front Porch Planning & Design.
- The Vermont Downtown Action Team - Vermont Department of Housing & Community Development, City of Barre, Town of Brandon, Town of Brattleboro, Town of Northfield, Town of Waitsfield, Town of Warren, Town of Waterbury and Town of Wilmington.
- Waterbury State Office Complex Redevelopment Project - Waterbury - State of Vermont, Vermont Department of Buildings and General Services, Freeman French Freeman, Goody Clancy, SE Group, Engineering Ventures, Rist-Frost-Shumway.
Merit Awards have been presented to:
- Barre Main Street Reconstruction, Barre – City of Barre, Vermont Agency of Transportation, Barre Partnership, Luck Brothers, Hutch Brothers, Moulison North, Pike Industries, Lafayette Highway Specialties, James Lamontagne Landscape, Vermont Siteworks.
- Granite Zipper Pocket Park, Barre – Studio Place Arts, Chris Miller, Dew Corporation, Swenson Granite Company/Rock of Ages, Vermont Community Foundation.
- Wright Mountain/Devils Den Town Forest, Bradford - Town of Bradford, Bradford Conservation Commission.
- Ripples, Rings & Photons, Burlington -, Terra | Logic Landscape Architecture, Kate Pond.
- One Taylor Street: Montpelier Transit Center, Montpelier - City of Montpelier, Redstone, Gossens Bachman Architects, Wagner Hodgson Landscape Architecture, Dubois & King.
- South Burlington City Center- Market Street, South Burlington - City of South Burlington, SE Group, VHB, Shole Systems Design.
- Springfield Hospital Centennial Garden - Springfield, Springfield Medical Care Systems, Terrigenous, Engineering Ventures, Woodbury's, Gurney Brothers.
- Barnes Camp Restoration, Stowe - Lamoille County Planning Commission, Vermont Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation, Vermont Agency of Transportation, Stowe Mountain Resort, Green Mountain Club, Robert Carl Williams Associates, Jay White, Upland Construction.
- Woodstock Elementary School Learning Landscape Project, Woodstock - Woodstock Elementary School, Jack Rossi Landscape Architecture, Natural Playground Company, Jason Drebitko.
The five person
Jury, consisting of one member from each of the sponsoring organizations, was
very impressed with all of the entries. Jim Donovan, ASLA, representing the
Jury and the Vermont Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects,
The Vermont Planners Associations, The Vermont Chapter of the
American Institute of Architects, The
American Society of Civil Engineers,
Vermont Section and The Vermont Urban
& Community Forestry Council said, “Once again we
are very pleased with both the diversity and the high quality of the submittals
to this program this year. They show that Vermont continues to value the
importance of public places, the corridors that connect them, or networks of
public spaces, from small public parks to the private natural and created places
opened to the public. We hope that our next Public Places Award Program in 2016
highlights an even larger and more diverse collection of interior and exterior
public places.”