Circus Smirkus Celebrates 30 Years
06/14/2017 01:31PM ● By Melanie Heisinger
Image courtesy of the Circus Smirkus Facebook page.

Come one! Come all! It’s the excitement of acrobatics, juggling, and live performance for the whole family! Where? Right here in Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom. Circus Smirkus is celebrating its 30th anniversary in style with Midnight at the Museum, the 2017 Big Top Tour.
From the opening of the tour in early July to its mid August finale, Circus Smirkus will perform 69 shows in five states. The theme-based shows will include aerial acts, wire walking, clowns, and live music.
In addition to the Big Top Tour, the 30th anniversary celebrations include several other exciting endeavors, including two Smirkus teams educating the public about the origins of the circus at the Smithsonian and a visit from the Princess of the Council of Chiefs of Zambia to honor the first-ever Zambian to participate in an American circus.
Learn more by visiting the Circus Smirkus website.