Hotel Vermont Will Celebrate its 6th Annual Ice Bar
12/05/2017 09:07PM ● By Melanie HeisingerIce, Ice Baby
for a way to heat up a chilly night in the Queen City with friends and family? Join
Hotel Vermont to celebrate its 6th Annual Ice Bar! On February 2nd &
3rd, 2018, be a part of Burlington’s premier outdoor winter party.
Chill with the ice sculptures under heaters or hit up the photobooth and ice games.
Ice sculptures and bars, brought to you by Hotel Vermont’s partners, will feature craft cocktails, frosty brews, and cider. Heavy hors d’oeuvres, hot soups, non-alcoholic beverages and more will be provided by Juniper & Bleu Northeast Seafood.
Don't forget to visit the tasting room where you can sample Vermont spirits and food.
The Ice Bar is a 21-plus event. Tickets are available through for $45.
Chill with the ice sculptures under heaters or hit up the photobooth and ice games.
Ice sculptures and bars, brought to you by Hotel Vermont’s partners, will feature craft cocktails, frosty brews, and cider. Heavy hors d’oeuvres, hot soups, non-alcoholic beverages and more will be provided by Juniper & Bleu Northeast Seafood.
Don't forget to visit the tasting room where you can sample Vermont spirits and food.
The Ice Bar is a 21-plus event. Tickets are available through for $45.