Join the Circus! Explore the Opportunities of Circus Zambia

Circus Zambia is a registered Zambia NGO organization with a Vermont nonprofit that raises funds to support HIV/AIDS education, life skills, personal hygiene, school fees, scholarships, computer lab, library access, and transportation to training and daily meals at the Circus Zambia Hub. The program is open to any and all at-risk kids living in the slums of Lusaka, the capital city of Zambia. $100 dollars pays for the school fees for a child to attend school for one year. Join our challenge and help get motivated kids off the streets and into school. Make donations payable to Circus Zambia, 3 Loveland Road, Norwich, VT 05055 or online at Fractured Atlas/Circus Zambia. Help get a child into school and educated in life choices and change the life of a young person!
How to Get Involved
If you’re interested in joining one of the cultural exchange programs and travel to Zambia to work directing with our at-risk young people, contact Circus Zambia at [email protected]
International exchanges are offered for teens from 13 to 18 and adults of any age. Exchange programs are organized for circus performers and engaged citizens interested in contributing their hearts and minds to help support young people at risk of or currently living on the streets of Lusaka, Zambia.
For more information, contact Brooke Ciardelli, Norwich, VT, (917) 370-6823, or [email protected] or visit Circus Zambia on facebook, youtube, or their website,
For people interested in learning circus skills, there are a number of after-school and summer programs for kids 6 years to adult.
Ted Lawrence, Van Lodostov Family Circus, Norwich Rec Department day camp. Email: [email protected]; website:
For day camps for adults and summer sleep-away camps for kids under age 18: Circus Smirkus:
Additional circus opportunities:
- Bread and Puppet: Weekly social circus performances and retrospective museum:
- Circus Smirkus Big Top Tour: A professional big top tour of 4 states, 16 towns, 69 shows over 51 days in Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine:
- Opera North: Opera and circus performance under a big tent at Blow-Me-Down Farm, Cornish, NH at Saint-Gaudens National Historic Park:
- Flying Gravity Circus at High Mowing Waldorf School, Wilton, NH: Performances and September through June training program:!
- New England Center for Circus Arts, Brattleboro, VT:
Circus is for everyone and is all-inclusive!