It's Bees Knees Week with Caledonia Spirits - with a 2020 Twist!
09/01/2020 09:01PM ● By Virginia Dean
A new format built around planting bee habitats will be available soon at Caledonia Spirits, the Vermont-based distiller that uses raw northern honey to make its flagship spirits Bar Hill Gin, Tom Cat Gin, and Barr Hill Vodka. The new initiative occurs during Bee’s Knees Week during which time Barr Hill will be planting 10 square feet of bee habitat for every Bee’s Knees cocktail – a classic made with gin, lemon, and honey, shared on social media. The phrase Bee’s Knee’s was prohibition slang for “the best”.
Held every September, Bee's Knees Week is a time to celebrate the prohibition era cocktail while also working to protect the pollinators. Since 2017 Caledonia Spirits has raised over $60,000 to support organizations dedicated to pollinator protection and education. Last year, over 1,000 bars and restaurants across the country participated, and this year, they've also included spirits shops to encourage at-home bartending.
“Like everyone else, we have had to adapt during these unprecedented times,” said Caledonia Spirits President and Head Distiller Ryan Christiansen. “But with change comes opportunity, and we’re very excited about our plans for Bee’s Knees Week this year.”
To participate in the 2020 iteration of Bee’s Knees Week, one needs only to order a Barr Hill Bee’s Knee’s cocktail or make one at home as well as share a photo of the cocktail on social media using #beeskneesweek2020, tagging @barrhillgin, and tagging the bar, restaurant, or store where the participant purchased Barr Hill Gin.
Barr Hill spirits are available at bars, restaurants, and retail stores in 32 states across the country along with Puerto Rico, Canada (Quebec), Denmark, Hong Kong, and Japan. The spirits can also be purchased via Caledonia Spirits’ new online store. For more information on the distillery, its Barr Hill spirits, or its solar-powered distillery in Montpelier, please visit or go to or follow the distillery on social media: Instagram (@barrhillgin), Facebook (@CaledoniaSpirits), and Twitter (@CaledoniaSpirit).