Homecoming : Realtor Kase Long of eXp REALTY sits down with us to talk about all things Vermont Real Estate.
09/15/2022 02:53PM ● By TAY GREENLEAF
What is your background? How did you come into real estate?
My background consists of service focused roles including management and the military which prepared me for real estate by honing my hard and soft skills. In 2016, I was looking at returning to the civilian workforce after a year deployed and was exploring my options. I had always been interested in real estate as it was a course I could study remotely. I also knew that after spending this time away, being present for my daughters was a priority and owning my own business would afford me the flexibility to do so. Just as soldiers do, I doubled down and dived in headfirst and truly uncovered a passion for real estate.

The real estate market seems to give off mixed messages. How do you see things presently and moving forward?
The real estate market in Vermont, specifically Chittenden County, is very active. In part, the high level of activity is due to an increase in the number of buyers and a decrease in the number of sellers. We have seen a steady decline of homes on the market year after year for the last three years. I believe what we’re seeing is a great example of the relationship between supply and demand. Inevitably, with the ebbs and flows of real estate, the interest rates fluctuate, and the number of buyers and sellers will approach an equilibrium and transition out of what some call a sellers’ market.
What advice would you give to someone that is beginning to work toward buying a house?
For any person looking to buy their first house, my advice is unwavering. First, connect with a real estate agent; make sure to interview a few to make sure it’s the right fit for you. We can always help guide you in your next steps. From there, get in touch with a mortgage broker and find out what you are pre-approved for. Either way, in my opinion, real estate agents will guide you through what could be a very stressful time with ease to provide a seamless stress-free transaction.
It seems that a home office space, personal working space or fitness space has become quite popular. Do you hear requests for them often from buyers looking for a home and would you encourage potential sellers to explore making that an option to attract buyers?
While I am a real estate professional, this is one I would definitely leave up to the expert: my stager. There are many factors that go into showing a house as best as possible, such as the layout and/or number of rooms. This largely depends on the buyer and their needs. Generally, the buyer’s agent will know the needs of the buyer and can help them envision what a room could be for them if the current setup didn’t match their needs.
What’s your favorite part of being a Realtor?
My favorite part of being a Realtor is undoubtedly my clients and helping them find the best home to fit their needs. I genuinely have a love for real estate and so (most days) work doesn’t actually feel like work. There are new learning opportunities with each transaction as not one is the same which keeps me on my toes.
Kase Long eXp REALTY
145 Pine Haven Shores Rd.
Suite 2219,
Shelburne, VT