South Burlington Food Shelf: Top Needed Items for the Holidays

South Burlington Food Shelf
The goal is to become the most extensive resource we can for the community. They want anyone using the food shelf to help them understand what those needs are.

Facts, Figures, Goals and Needs from 2022
We made it easy for you to know the food bank needs.
We asked Director Peter Carmolli for some facts, figures, and the top items families ask for.
Average just over 40 customers/households per week
2062 customer visits in a year (We are open 51 weeks per year. We are closed Thanksgiving week since there are so many other places offering food that week)
We had 949 donations of food and supplies from people and businesses in the community that weighed in at 47,044 lbs. (This is not counting Trader Joe's or Common Roots or the Vt Foodbank)

In 2022 alone Trader Joe's gave us 65,079 lbs. of supplies
Trader Joe's total since we began in 2019 is just about 90 tons
We had community members fill in 1417 volunteer shifts where they worked 2430 hours
720 distinct households have used the food shelf since we began in November 2019
We are open to all South Burlington residents from 4 pm to 6 pm on Thursdays and 8 am to 10 am on Fridays and Saturdays. We take donations any time we are open plus from 9:30 am to 11:30 am Thursdays.

Top items families ask for:
Canned Meats Like Tuna, Chicken, Spam, Ham, Hash
Pasta Sauce
Jams and Jellies
Boxed Pasta, all varieties except lasagna
Paper Towels
Gift Cards to local grocery stores