Get the Car ready for Fall!
09/26/2024 04:50PM ● By John Gales
Fall Car Maintenance Tips

The cooler nights and early mornings remind us that winter is coming. Winters in the Champlain Valley can be mixed with snow, rain & Ice. This wreaks havoc on your vehicle and now’s the time to do a few maintenance checks to help keep things in good condition for the winter months.
• Check Your Tires: If your tires have less than 1/8 inch of tread, it’s time for a new set. Always shop around whether you're looking for all-season or winter tires to get your best buy. Check your tire pressure because it changes with the temperature.
• Check your battery: Make sure your cables and terminals are tight.
• Test the heater and defroster: Make sure you test in early fall so everything works properly before the temperature drops.
• Check all your lights, including taillights, headlights, brake lights, parking lights, and emergency flashers: Replace any broken bulbs and clean your headlights if they are dirty and cloudy. Dirty headlights decrease visibility for day and night driving.
• Replace your wipers if needed and Top off your window washer fluid:
Always keep a second bottle in the trunk. Typically, you need to replace every 12 months. Sun, wind, snow, and salt can cause wipers to crack.
Always keep a second bottle in the trunk. Typically, you need to replace every 12 months. Sun, wind, snow, and salt can cause wipers to crack.
• Make a safety kit: Make sure you have a blanket, an extra pair of gloves, an ice scraper, and a small first aid kit. Not a bad idea to pack a few protein bars too.