Ideas to help your Mental and Physical Health this Winter.
12/13/2024 02:41PM ● By John Gales
Winter takes its toll on our mental and physical health. Here are 3 months of how to have awareness this winter.
Build Your Health Awareness This Winter
December is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) Awareness Month. SAD affects millions of Americans each year and causes significant mood changes in response to the changing seasons. It usually occurs in late fall and winter, with less sunlight and colder weather. Some ways to manage SAD include getting enough rest and going to bed at a regular time, eating healthy meals on a regular schedule, and light therapy, which involves sitting in front of a bright light box for about 30−45 minutes every day from fall to spring, and flexible work arrangements, such as remote work options or flexible hours.
January is Mental Wellness Awareness Month, a time to recognize the importance of mental health and to raise awareness and combat mental illness. It’s the perfect time to shift your focus from the holidays to your well-being. Positive mental health (along with other factors) can reduce your risk of heart attack and other serious conditions. Strong mental health also helps boost your immune system, reducing your risk of getting sick.
February is American Heart Month, a time when the nation spotlights heart disease, the No. 1 killer of Americans. However, in most cases, heart disease is preventable when people adopt a healthy lifestyle, which includes not smoking, maintaining a healthy weight, controlling blood sugar and cholesterol, treating high blood pressure, getting at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity a week, and getting regular medical checkups.