Penelope presented by TURNmusic, ft. Mary Bonhag

Song about relationships, compassion and healing. Composed by Sarah Kirkland Snider. Lyrics by Ellen McLaughlin. Inspired by Homer’s epic poem, the Odyssey, Penelope is a meditation on memory, identity, and what it means to come home. The song cycle, written in 2009 for Shara Worden and Ensemble Signal, is based on a music-theater monodrama written by Snider and playwright Ellen McLaughlin for the J. Paul Getty Center in 2008. In the work, a woman’s husband appears at her door after an absence of twenty years, suffering from brain damage. A veteran of an unnamed war, he doesn’t know who he is and she doesn’t know who he's become. While they wait together for his return to himself, she reads to him from the Odyssey, and in the journey of that book, she finds a way into her former husband’s memory and the terror and trauma of war.
Date & Time
March 30, 2025
More Info
Pay what you can range $20 - $40
Performing Arts & Dance Nightlife & Entertainment Community & Neighborhood
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Barre Opera House